Peer Review Blog

 Hello everyone and welcome back to another blog! today I will be talking about the peer review process!

Now that we finally finished our film, we were able to move on to the peer review. I was excited to have someone look at our work to make sure it was perfect! We decided to have Mackena and Marissa's dad review our film since he was at their house during most of the production. We gave him Peyton's phone and just awkwardly stood there waiting for what he had to say.

After the twin's dad watched it, he really only had a few minor comments that were super fixable luckily. His first suggestion was that toddler's scenes of Mackena and I at the park were very busy. He pretty much meant that there were to many people in the background, and I honestly agreed. I remember the park being super busy that day and it taking forever to film. He suggested that we should find a different location. 

His next suggestion was he didn't know that Mackena and Marissa were supposed to be sisters in the film until we told him about the plot. He said we should edit the script so its crystal clear that Mackena and Marissa are sisters in the film which makes the film also make more sense. This was easily fixable because we could just make the conversation of Marissa and I on the couch a little longer and mention Mackena and Marissa being sisters. I was a little annoyed we had to re film this just because I'm not an actress, so it takes me a couple shots to get the scene right, but its ok.

After he told us about these few suggestions, we asked him about the editing style. He said he liked the sound effects and all the titles, but the sounds were little bit echoey. We honestly couldn't really do anything about this since we don't have any professional audio equipment.

The last thing he mentioned was that he didn't know that the flashback scenes were flashback scenes, so he suggested that we make it more obvious that those specific scenes were flashbacks.

Overall, all these suggestions are super fixable, and the twin's dad overall really liked the filmed so that made me feel like all the hard work was finally worth it. So, all we have to do now is tweak a few scenes and fix the filters and were finally done!
