Editing Blog - Scenes and Titles

 hello and welcome back to another blog! Today I will be talking about the editing process my group and I went through for the scenes and titles.

Peyton was the main editor for this film. Since she filmed our music video from a couple months ago, and did such a great job, we all agreed that she should film it again. So, for the specific scenes Peyton used cap cut which worked great for us last time. Some of the scenes we filmed are in a different order then we originally planned. So, I recommended to Peyton to make sure all the scenes are put in correctly. While Peyton was putting some of the scenes in, the background noise was very present and annoying. We both realized certain scenes didn't need the diegetic sound, so Peyton made sure to lower the volume all the way down. Peytons ability to go through the content and edit so well was really cool to watch. There were a few more issues with some of the scenes being too lengthy but Peyton did a great job at making the scenes line up well. We also compromised and decided to use both of the songs that Peyton and I found. I was skeptical at first because in the beginning I didn't really like Peytons song. Once she put the songs into the specific scenes it started to sound great. Once Peyton put all the scenes together, we moved onto the titles.

This was where my main input came in. I suggested many of the different positions for the titles. Obviously, Peyton should be the director, since she filmed majority of the scenes. I let her know to change it from Marissa being the director. We originally had Marissa be the director, but I felt that Peyton should get the credit she deserves. I talked to Mackena and Marissa about this and after a good discussion, we decided to keep Peyton as the director. 

Moving on to the next few titles I discussed with Peyton. One title that was set and stone in my mind were the visual effects. While filming Marissa did a great job with making the blood on my hands look real. Luckily Peyton agreed so we moved on. The next decision we had to make was the costume designer. Mackena, Marissa and I all agreed that Mackena should be the costume designer since she had to have a specific outfit for her character. Unfortunately, I had to leave early so I couldn't help Peyton finish editing the film, but the twins were still there, and I had lots of trust in Peyton that she would make the film look great! 

See you all in the next blog!


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