Production Blog: Meeting up at Starbucks
Hey everyone and welcome back to another production blog! Today I will be talking about how my group, and I met up at Starbucks to plan everything else for the film.
We met up at this same location on the last project and it seemed to work very well for us. We decided to do this because trying to plan everything over text just wasn't working well. We went to Starbucks after a long day at school, but we needed to plan everything out. I love Starbucks so I got a coffee so that helped me stayed energized to get this done. Once everyone got their little snacks, we got ready to plan out our other filming days. Peyton even brought a planner to just write down all the days we could do so everyone was on the same page. When discussing days to film, either the end of the week or the weekend works best for me. I work on the weekends though so sometimes I have to schedule days off work. It is still so much better to film over the weekend then during the school week. It was getting a little stressful though because all the days I wasn't working the twins were, so it was getting difficult to find a time to film.
Unfortunately, we couldn't find a day in the near weekends that worked for all of us, so we decided to film on the next Monday after school. I personally didn't want to film on a Monday because Mondays are a lot. This was the only day that worked for all of us though so it will work out. I have a car so I offered to take Peyton to the twin's house, but I can't take her home since she lives far from my house. The goal for this day is to get all of the scenes done. We don't have many scenes left to film. They are the more difficult scenes to film. We set these scenes to be done later so we had more time to prepare. So as long as everything goes according to plan, we should be done filming by next Monday.
Anyways that's it for today! I will see you in the next blog!!
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