Hey Blog. We have arrived to the end of this project. I really enjoyed making this commercial and learning new things. Now is time for the Reflection.
1. What technology did you learn to use?
The technology that I learned to use was the app cap cut. I have used cap cut in the past before, for entertainment purposes but never on an educational level. Learning all the little tricks cap cut was very eye opening to me. I learned how to add an ending page. Like at the end of my commercial you see a roll of credits. I wanted to add that effect which helps give the project more of a commercial feel. The other thing I learned was how to add transitions to my edit. Before this project I just used already made templates from cap cut, so learning it from scratch was very fun.
2. What did you learn about the process of putting a project together?
One thing that I learned from the process of putting a project together is definitely time management. Time management was huge for me on this project. I had to make sure I hit all the deadlines, so I didn't fall behind. While maintaining all of my other 7 classes that became challenging at some points. But I overcame it. Another thing I learned was to ask questions. If didn't understand a particular part of the project I would make sure to ask a question. This helped reassure me that I was doing the project correctly.
3. What do you think you can do to make the next project better?
Some things I could do to make my project better, are making my transitions better. When I began using cap cut I was new to the different types of transitions. If I can practice using the transitions, I can make my next project much more appealing. Another thing I can do next time is have better camera quality. Having better camera quality is crucial to having successful projects in the future. Asking friends their opinion on my next project can also be helpful. Seeing other people's perspectives can be very helpful to that process.
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