Production Blog

 Hello and welcome back! Today during production, a lot of things happened. Since the last production I haven't done much editing because I was still deciding on the song. I finally chose a song. Still not sure about it yet though. While I was working on the commercial in class, some of my classmates wanted to see how my commercial was going. Many of my classmates enjoyed what I have so far. They gave me some tips to make my Commerical even better. Right now, I only have 2 pictures and 1 video in the commercial. I added the song, but I was still not sure about it. I will let you know if I decide to change it again. for right now I'm keeping the song. I worked on putting all the images and videos into the commercial in class. Once I put them all in, I didn't do any more in class. I started to edit my commercial when I got home. I made sure the song coordinated with the photos and videos. Some of the videos were too long. Therefore, I had to cut the videos to make them shorter. I was a little upset about it because one of the videos was super cute, but it was just too long. Cap cut has been working super well. I was able to experience with some cool effects. After I edited the videos and took a break. Thats all I got done today. I will see you guys in the next blog!


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